Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Today was a very interesting day for me... the first full day of my suspension from work and all. But I will not be talking about that particular frustration. No. It was a conversation with a "friend" that leads to the title of this blog.

My friend stated that she was considering leaving her husband because she was tired of being cheated on. She went on with details and I listened, but when she stated "....this hurts and love is not supposed to hurt..." my soul was stirred. It was as if Jesus was standing before me saying... "You wanna bet!? Do you think those nails felt good? Not!"

I know. I know. You are either thinking about 1 Cor. 13 or the fact that those that were hurting Jesus did not love Him. And yes, those are two very valid points. However, the perspective from which I speak is that of the one in pain; and upon further reflection, I believe 1 Cor. 13 is written from the same point of view.

Society has conditioned us to believe that somehow when we love someone and that person says they love us.... somehow..... everything will be perfect. Yet, upon looking at 1 Cor. 13:4, when the attributes are love are being laid out, the first attribute states... "Charity (love) suffereth long (KJV)" (insert and italics added by me).

So..... it's a wrap. LOVE HURTS! (but it's not stupid.... but that's another night.) I would continue on but....... my husband is reaching for me in bed. So..... we will pick this up another day.,
Ms. Niki

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